
AmpenanNews. The visit of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) RI Lieutenant General Doni Monardo and his entourage in Karang Kates Hamlet, Gondang Village, Gangga District, North Lombok Regency (KLU) was welcomed by the Chairman of the NTB Province BPBD H. Akhsanul Khalid, S.Sos. MH, FLU KLU Regent DR. H. Najmul Akhyar, SH. MH., Dandim 1606 / Lobar Colonel Czi Efrijon Kroll, S.IP., Secretary of KLU Drs. H. Suardi. MH., Kalak BPBD KLU Muhadi, SH., Wakapolres Lotara Kompol Setiawijatono, SH., Danki Zipur Recon Task Force, rehabilitation, religious leaders, community leaders and hundreds of other invitations.

The working visit of the Head of the BNPB RI and his entourage were accompanied by Korem 162 / WB Commander Colonel Czi Ahmad Rizal Ramdhani, S. Sos. SH. M.Han., In the context of observing earthquake-resistant houses (RTG) in the KLU region.

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The Head of BNPB RI in his speech conveyed his presence in North Lombok to ensure the RTG program runs well and smoothly. Doni Monardo also expressed his appreciation to the Indonesian National Police Task Force and the facilitators and volunteers who had helped with the RTG reconstruction process.

According to him, the potential threat of natural disasters on the island of Lombok is still there because of the volcano both Rinjani and Tambora, earthquake and tsunami. For that, he continued, everyone must understand how to save themselves in the event of an earthquake or another natural disaster, because there is no tool and technology that is able to know when the disaster happened.

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In addition, the former Kopassus Danjen also invited the community to preserve and preserve the environment by not destroying and cutting down trees illegally so that the forest and the environment function as they should and provide benefits to the community.

“We protect nature, nature will protect us,” said Doni.

Previously, the North Lombok Regent welcomed the TNI Lieutenant General Doni Monardo and his entourage on earth Tioq Tata Tunaq for his visit to monitor and ensure the development of the RTG reconstruction rehabilitation in KLU.

“Hopefully the Head of BNPB will immediately realize the shortage of funds for SK 22 to SK 27 so that the process of building the RTG reconstruction rehabilitation in KLU can proceed as expected,” hoped H. Najmul.

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The event ended with the symbolic handover of the RTG keys to community representatives by the Head of the BNPB RI and the award to Danki Zeni who carried out the rehabilitation work for the Lombok RTG reconstruction by Danrem 162 / WB and the KLU Regent.

The Head of BNPB RI and his entourage previously held a coordination meeting with Regional Heads and District Military Command 162 / WB regarding the results of the RTG reconstruction rehabilitation and preparedness in facing possible hydrometeorological disasters in the transition of the dry season to the rainy season in the Lombok International Airport Central Lombok VIP room. Anr.

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